Friday Night Academy
The Academy was an adult education program designed to meet the needs of those who desire theological instruction which is more advanced than the typical adult Sunday School class, but who cannot go to seminary or graduate school. Classes deal with Christian (Reformed) theology, a Christian world and life view, Christianity and culture, and church history. We are currently not offering these Friday night classes.
Audio files of the lectures are available below. Click on the lecture title to listen or right click to download the MP3 audio file.
The Academy lectures of Professor Kenneth Samples are also available. Professor Samples taught adult Sunday School at Christ Reformed Church and was a Lecturer at our Friday night Academy until January 2015, when he left to pursue a broader teaching ministry.
Friday Night Fellowship
Understanding Dispensationalism
Dr. Dan Borvan, Friday Night Fellowship, 02/21/2025
Ephesians and Marriage
Ephesians 5 - Lecture 02
Rev. Brad Lenzner, Friday Night Fellowship, 11/17/2024
Ephesians 5 - Lecture 03
Rev. Brad Lenzner, Friday Night Fellowship, 01/17/2024
Ephesians 5: Lecture 04
Rev. Brad Lenzner, Friday Night Fellowship, 02/07/25
Martin Luther: A Biblical Awakening
Lecture 01 - Martin Luther: A Biblical Awakening
Dr. Dan Borvan, Friday Night Fellowship, 09/06/2024
Lecture 02 - Martin Luther: A Biblical Awakening
Dr. Dan Borvan, Friday Night Fellowship, 09/20/2024
Lecture 03 - Martin Luther: A Biblical Awakening
Dr. Dan Borvan, Friday Night Fellowship, 10/04/2024
Friday Night Academy - Dr. Riddlebarger’s Archive
The Eschatology of the Reformers
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Lectures on the Common Sense Philosophy of Thomas Reid
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Lectures on the Eschatology of the Reformers (2018)
The Eschatology of the Reformers - Part 1
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 11/16/2018The Eschatology of the Reformers - Part 2
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 11/30/2018
The Two Kingdoms: In the Land of Nod
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - First Series of Lectures on the Reformed Understanding of the Two Kingdoms (2013)
Why This Has Been an Important and Controversial Doctrine
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 09/20/2013Flyover of Nod - Distinction of the Two Kingdoms
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 09/27/2013Adam in Eden - Tracing the Redemptive Historical Themes of the Two Kingdoms
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/04/2013Adam Cast From Eden - The Birth of the Civil Kingdom
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/11/2013Israel: The Kingdom of God on Earth
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 11/08/2013Two Important Texts: Romans 13:1-7 and Mark 12:13-17
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/02/2014Dual Citizenship
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/09/2014The Distinction Between the Two Kingdoms in the Reformed Tradition
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/16/2014A Church-Driven Purpose: The Marks and Mission of Christ's Church
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/23/2014A Church-Driven Purpose: The Marks and Mission of Christ's Church, Part 2
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 5/30/2014The Rise of the Beast: The Dark Side of the State
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 06/06/2014
The Two Kingdoms: In the Land of Nod
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Second Series of Lectures on the Reformed Understanding of the Two Kingdoms (2016)
The Church's Witness in Nod: Politics in the Pulpit?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/22/2016The Church's Witness in Nod: John the Baptist, John the Apostle, and Civil Disobedience
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/29/2016Being a Christian Citizen in a Secular State - Is America a Judeo-Christian Republic?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/05/2016Are There 'Christian' Nations in the New Covenant Era? And Political Identity: Liberal? Conservative? or Neither?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/12/2016Which Came First? The Family or the State?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/19/2016The Great American Heresy: Civil Religion
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/26/2016The Christian's Most Important Obligation in the Civil Kingdom, Love of Neighbor
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 03/04/2016Duties of Good Citizens - A Closing Summary
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 03/18/2016
The Great and Holy War
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - The legacy of World War One includes the establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine (Israel), the roots of ISIS (the end of the Caliphate/Ottoman Empire), the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Marxist-Leninism, along with a host of other conundrums.
The Legacy of World War One: Why Study a War Fought One Hundred Years Ago?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 04/17/2015The Causes of the War: Who started it, and why?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 04/24/2015The Cessation of Hostilities: The Treaty of Versailles, the Balfour Declaration, redrawing the maps of Europe and the Middle East
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/01/2015One Hundred Years Later: How the consquences of the "Great War" still impact the world in which we live
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/15/2015
Amillennialism 101
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - First Lecture Series on Eschatology (2008)
"What is Amillennialism?"
Academy 02/15/08"Interpreting Bible Prophecy" Part One
Academy 02/22/08"Interpreting Bible Prophecy" Part Two"
Academy 02/29/08"Covenant Theology and Eschatology"
Academy 03/07/08"These Things Were Foretold" Part I
Academy 03/14/08"These Things Were Foretold" Part II
Academy 10/03/08"The Basic Elements of New Testament Eschatology"
Academy 10/10/08"Christ, the True Israel"
Academy 10/17/08"Christ, the True Temple"
Academy 10/24/08"The Two-Age Model" Part I
Academy 11/07/08"The Two-Age Model" Part II
Academy 11/21/08"The Two-Age Model and New Testament Parallels"
Academy 12/05/08"The Kingdom of God" Part I
Academy 09/25/09"The Kingdom of God" Part II
Academy 10/02/09"The Age of the Holy Spirit"
Academy 10/09/09"The Church as the Israel of God - Replacement Theology?"
Academy 10/23/09
Amillennialism 101
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Second Lecture Series on Eschatology (2010)
"The Suffering Church"
Academy 02/05/2010"The Signs of the End - Part I"
Academy 02/19/2010"The Signs of the End - Part II"
Academy 02/26/2010"The Blessed Hope - Part I"
Academy 03/05/2010"The Blessed Hope - Part II"
Academy 03/12/2010"The Rapture"
Academy 03/19/2010
Amillennialism 101
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Third Lecture Series on Eschatology (2010)
Exegesis of the critical texts concerning the question of the millennium.
The Prophecy of Daniel's Seventy Weeks
Academy 10/08/2010The Olivet Discourse, Part I
Academy 10/15/2010The Olivet Discourse, Part II
Academy 10/22/2010Romans 9-11
Academy 11/05/2010Revelation 20:1-10, Part I
Academy 11/12/2010Revelation 20:1-10, Part II
Academy 11/19/2010
The New Perspectives on Paul (Part I)
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - First Series of Lectures on the New Perspective on Paul
Why a New Perspective on Paul? What's Wrong With the Old Perspective?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 04/13/2007The Attack Upon the "Lutheran" Paul -- Krister Stendahl and the "Introspective Conscience"
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger- Academy 04/20/2007Pelagian Jews? E. P. Sanders, Grace vs. Works and Second Temple Judaism
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 04/27/2007Why Can't We All Get Along? James D. G. Dunn on Jews and Gentiles in the Apostolic Church
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 05/04/2007
The New Perspectives on Paul (Part II)
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Second Series of Lectures on the New Perspective on Paul
"N. T. Wright's Perspective on Paul: An Introduction to N. T. Wright's Approach to Paul."
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/18/2008"An Interesting Dialogue Between James Dunn and N. T. Wright."
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/25/2008"A Response to the New Perspectives on Paul -- Part One"
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/01/2008"An Evaluation of the New Perspectives on Paul -- Part Two."
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/08/2008
Eschatology and AntiChrist
The Biblical Doctrine of Antichrist
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 09/28/2007The Man of Lawlessness: Nero? The Pope? Someone Yet to Come?
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/05/2007The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/12/2007A Problem for Preterists
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/19/2007
Francis Schaeffer
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Lectures on Francis Schaeffer
The Life and Significance of Francis Schaeffer
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/12/2007Francis Schaeffer: Sources of His Thought (Old Princeton)
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/19/2007Francis Schaeffer: Sources of His Thought (Van Til)
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 01/26/2007Francis Schaeffer: Apologetic Methodology (Epistemology)
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/02/2007Francis Schaeffer: Taking the Roof Off
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/09/2007Francis Schaeffer -- A Critical Evaluation
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 02/23/2007
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Miscellaneous Lectures
B. B. Warfield on Arminians and Evangelicals
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 12/08/2006"John Calvin: Pastor and Theologian"
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/27/2006"Signs of the Times"
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/13/2006Making Sense of Revelation Conference Q & A
Conference Q & A 03/31/2007The Reformation Then and Now
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger - Academy 10/27/2007