10:00 A.M.

Morning Worship Service

Our Sunday morning services are held in the sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. You may also watch the worship service via livestream on our YouTube Channel for live streams.

"And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (Acts 2:42 ESV)

The Sunday morning worship service includes the Lord's Supper every week. Visitors need permission of the elders prior to joining us at the Lord’s Table.

12:00 P.M.

Afternoon Service

"Learning the Basics of the Reformed Faith" is designed to teach you the basics of the Reformed faith so that you can teach it to your family. This is a perfect time to invite your non-Reformed friends, family and inquirers. Bring your Bible and a Three Forms of Unity booklet.

1:00 P.M.


We encourage church members to bring a picnic lunch on Sundays for fellowship between services.

9:00 A.M.

Adult Sunday School

Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

Our class, is held at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall. Dr. Riddlebarger is currently teaching a series on Paul's early letters: Galatians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Join us and bring your Bibles!

‘Christ died’—that is history; ‘Christ died for our sins’—that is doctrine. Without these two elements, joined in an absolutely indissoluble union, there is no Christianity.” (J. Gresham Machen, Christianity and Liberalism, p. 27)

High School


Our Elders provide our high school students with an understanding of the Reformed tradition through topical studies in theology and apologetics, focusing on the Belgic Confession.  It is important for the students to be able to confront and respond in a biblical and intelligent manner to the alleged challenges found in other worldviews and secular philosophies. Ultimately, the students are given a reason for the hope that they have.

Jr. High School

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Mr. Bob Reeves

Elder Reeves teaches the Heidelberg catechism along with the supporting scriptures and applies the questions and answers of the catechism to the challenges facing our young people. This class is informal, fun, and lighthearted as the students grow in their faith and understanding together.  Mr. Reeves’ goal is to provide the students with the ability and confidence to defend what they believe in an increasingly hostile secular world. 

Elementary Grades 4-6

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Mrs. Denise Encinas

Welcome to the 4th – 6th Grade Sunday School Class!  During our time together we will strengthen our bible study skills, as we explore the Gospels. While comparing, contrasting and examining the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we will gain an understanding of Jesus’ life, mission, and sacrifice. 

Elementary Grades 1-3

Mrs. LeeAnn Tyler

Mrs. Tyler teaches the Old Testament. The children learn the part that God plays in redeeming a people from slavery to sin and making them his own. They learn about the promise and hope of God's purposes fulfilled in Christ.

Preschool Ages 3-5

Mrs. Lisa Drost

Lisa Drost, and Huimin Wang teach our children a weekly lesson starting in Genesis and ending in the New Testament, in chronological order.  

A typical class begins with prayer and reciting of the Lord’s Prayer together. The Old Testament books of the Bible are learned by song. The 10 commandments are also learned with song and with signs. An introduction to a church history timeline song, starting with creation, and the 7 Days of Creation Bible Story with activity sheet.

Who Can Partake of the Lord’s Supper?

Elders are available to speak with you before the service each Sunday between 9:40-10:00 A.M.  The requirements for partaking in the Lord’s Supper are:

  • Belief in the articles of the Apostle’s Creed

  • Baptism in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit

  • Church membership (exceptions allowed for those seeking membership)

  • Affirmation of the real presence of Christ in the sacrament, as explained above

  • Children must make a public profession of faith

There is no enjoyment of the blessings without participation in the faith (cf. John 6:29-47). Whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord; one must discern the body of the Lord rightly so as not to eat and drink judgment to himself (cf. 1 Cor. 11:27-32).

Nevertheless, to all believing sinners who trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins, and who seek to be renewed, refreshed, nourished and sustained by his body and blood, the visible gospel on the table is freely offered: “taste and see that the Lord is good!”

About the Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper is the visible gospel. It is not a mere symbol of a Savior who is not really there, but a sign and seal of God’s promise of salvation in Christ, and the means through which Christ imparts his very flesh and very blood to us through the Spirit.

The sacrament is not merely a reminder that Jesus died for us – it is the real, life giving communion with him, in his flesh and blood given to us by the Holy Spirit. In the Lord’s Supper, we do remember his sacrifice for us, but we also receive his grace through the spiritual sharing in the body and blood of Christ.

In the administration of the bread and wine, God more fully declares, assures, and seals to us the promise of the Gospel: that He grants us out of free grace the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, for the sake of the one sacrifice of Christ accomplished on the cross. To all those who are united to Christ through faith, he is truly, objectively, really, and spiritually present in the elements of bread and wine.

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is:

  1. A Holy sign and seal of the gospel (cf. Ex. 12:13; John 6:53-58; Matt 26:26–28; Mark 14:22–24; Luke 22:17–20; 1 Cor 11:23-26)

  2. A spiritual sharing in the very body and blood of Christ (cf. 1 Cor. 10:3, 4; 16; 11:27)

  3. Administered every Lord’s Day (cf. Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor 11:33)

The Lord’s Supper is not about our own effort to remember him and seek him in the depths of our souls. Rather, it is God’s act of sealing his promises and imparting Christ’s very presence to us by the Holy Spirit who unites us to him through faith. It is not about what we do, but about what the Trinity does to us.

In the Lord’ Supper, Christ assures us that, as certainly as his body was offered and broken on the cross for us, and his blood shed for us, he himself feeds and nourishes my soul to everlasting life. Through faith, in the Supper we are united more and more to Christ’s sacred body by the Holy Spirit who dwells both in Christ and in us. Although He is in heaven, and we on the earth, we are nevertheless flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones, and we live and are governed for ever by one Spirit, as members of the same body are by one soul (cf. Heidelberg Catechism, questions 75-82).

The Director of the Children’s Sunday school is Mr. Bob Reeves.

Our Liturgy

Prelude and Quiet Meditation
The Call to Worship (Psalter)
The Invocation
God's Greeting

Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ in the power and fellowship of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

The Lord's Prayer (in unison)

Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

The Reading of God's Law

The General Confession

Dearly loved brothers and sisters, we are called to examine ourselves in the light of God's Law. Let us go to God in public confession.

Our Father, we are sinful and you are holy. We recognize that we have heard in your Law difficult words, knowing how often we have offended you in thought, word and deed, not only by obvious violations, but by failing to conform to its perfect commands, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. There is nothing in us that gives us reason for hope, for where we thought we were well, we are sick in soul.

Where we thought we were holy, we are in truth unholy and ungrateful. Our hearts are filled with the love of the world; our minds are dark and are assailed by doubts; our wills are too often given to selfishness and our bodies to laziness and unrighteousness. By sinning against our neighbors, we have also sinned against you, in whose image they were created. In this time of silent confession we bring you our particular sins.

[Silent Confession]

Our Father, although you are a holy God who cannot look upon sin, look upon Christ our Savior and forgive us for his sake. You have promised us that if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. For if we do sin, we have an Advocate before your throne, Jesus Christ the Righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sins. Give us your pardon by your mercies, dear Father, for you have clothed us in Christ's righteousness. We ask also that you would give us an increase of the grace of your Holy Spirit, so that we may learn the wisdom of your ways and walk in your holy paths, for your glory and the good of our neighbor. Amen.

Brothers and sisters, you have heard the Law and have confessed your sins to Almighty God. Do you believe that Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection, has atoned for your sins and satisfied the wrath of God toward you?

We do.

Declaration of Pardon

In the name of Christ and by the authority of his Word I declare to you that your sins are forgiven and you are not under the condemnation of God.

The Creed (in unison)

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.


The Pastoral Prayer

Old Testament Lesson

Prayer for Understanding

Our Father, we have heard wonderful things out of thy Word. We praise you for revealing Christ by promise and shadow in these pages. Help us to understand these words, for thy name's sake.


The Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end, Amen, Amen.

New Testament Lesson

Prayer for Illumination

Our Father, we have heard wonderful things out of thy Word. We praise you for revealing Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament and ask you to give us your Spirit so that we may understand the fullness of your truth. Amen.


Hymn of Preparation

Preparation for Communion

For all who live in rebellion against God and unbelief, this holy food and drink will bring you only further condemnation. If you do not yet confess Jesus Christ and seek to live under his gracious reign, we ask you to abstain. Nevertheless, for those of you who have confessed your sins and affirmed your faith in Christ, the promise is sure: "Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life and will not come into condemnation." For on the night in which our Lord was betrayed, he took bread; and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "Take eat; this is my body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me." After the same manner also he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me."

You are invited to this sacred meal not because you are worthy in yourself, but because you are clothed in Christ's perfect righteousness. Do not allow the weakness of your faith or your failures in the Christian life to keep you from this table. For it is given to us because of our weakness and because of our failures, in order to increase our faith by feeding us with the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As the Word has promised us God's favor, so also our Heavenly Father has added this confirmation of his unchangeable promise. So come, believing sinners, for the table is ready. "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

The Consecration

Almighty and everlasting God, who by the blood of your only begotten Son has secured for us a new and living way into the Holy of Holies, cleanse our minds and hearts by your Word and Spirit that we, your redeemed people, drawing close to you through these holy mysteries, may enjoy fellowship with the Holy Trinity through the body and blood of Christ our Savior. Our Ascended Savior does not live in temples made by hands, but is in heaven where he continues to intercede on our behalf. Through this mystery, by Your own Word and Spirit, these common elements are now set apart from ordinary use. While remaining bread and wine, these sacred elements nevertheless become so united to the reality they signify that we do not doubt but joyfully believe that we receive in this meal nothing less than the crucified body and shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us now go to our Heavenly Table and receive the gift of God for our souls.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

The Lord's Supper

Please come forward to the chancel to receive the elements of bread and wine. The center ring on the communion tray contains grape juice. Children may accompany their parents to the chancel. After receiving the bread and wine, please wait and the minister will dismiss you to return to your seats.

Eucharistic Prayer

Our Gracious Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the great mystery of this holy feast. Although we are unworthy to share this meal with you, it is by your invitation and dressed in Christ's righteousness that we have come boldly into the Holy of Holies. Instead of wrath, we have received your pardon; in the place of fear we have been given hope. Our High Priest and Mediator of the New Covenant has reconciled us to you and even now intercedes for us at your right hand. Please strengthen us by these gifts so that, relying only on your promise to save sinners who call on your name, we may, by your Spirit, honor you with our souls and bodies, to the honor and glory of your holy name. Amen.

Hymn of Thanksgiving

The Offering

The Doxology (Sung in Unison)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all evermore.
