Ordination of Mr. Yi Wang - November 24, 2019

Yi and Huimin Wang - 2018.jpg

November 24, 2019, Mr. Yi Wang, our pastoral intern to the Chinese Ministry, will be ordained to the office of Minister of Word and Sacrament.  This ordination will take place during our Sunday morning worship service.  Per the URCNA church order this is to be a public ordination before the congregation “with appropriate instructions, admonitions, prayers and subscription to the Three Forms of Unity by signing the Form of Subscription, followed with the laying on of hands by the ministers who are present and by the elders of the congregation, with the use of the appropriate liturgical forms.”  We are looking forward to this wonderful milestone in our brother Yi Wang’s life as well as the life of our church.

Lord's Day Worship: November 10, 2019


Sunday Morning:  Dr. Riddlebarger will return to our series on Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus.  We will be looking at Paul's exhortation to Timothy to guard the faith which has been entrusted to him.  Our text will be 2 Timothy 1:6-14.  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.   

Afternoon Service:  We continue our time in Lord's Day 12 (Q 31-32) of the Heidelberg Catechism.  Why are we called "Christians"?  Our afternoon service begins at 1:15 p.m.


Congregational Meeting: Sunday, November 3, 2019


At our last council meeting, the council of Christ Reformed Church unanimously voted to extend a pastoral call to Mr. Yi Wang, to serve as associate minister of Word and Sacraments with the specific purpose of laboring as a Church Planter-Pastor. The decision of the council to call and ordain Mr. Wang must be ratified by a vote of the congregation. The council also unanimously approved using $90,000 from the earnings on our investments to financially assist this new church plant. This action also requires ratification by a congregational vote.

The consistory requests that all church members be in attendance on Sunday, November 3 at 9:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. The Lord is doing marvelous things in our midst!  Please continue to pray that Jesus Christ be glorified through this wonderful mission work.