Lord's Day Worship: January 17, 2021


Sunday Morning:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This coming Lord’s Day Rev. Lenzner’s sermon is entitled “You Must Be Born Again”; John 3:1–15.

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be held at 1:00 PM in the courtyard. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Belgic Confession, Article 7; “The Sufficiency of Scripture.”

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. face coverings are required for all attendees. If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the service via livestream.

Lord's Day Worship: January 10, 2021


Sunday Morning:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This coming Lord’s Day Rev. Lenzner’s sermon is entitled “He Knew”; John 2:23–25.

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be held at 1:00 PM in the courtyard. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Belgic Confession, Article 5; The Authority of Scripture.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. face coverings are required for all attendees. If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the service via livestream.

Lord's Day Worship: January 3, 2021


Sunday Morning:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This coming Lord’s Day Rev. Lenzner’s sermon is entitled “The Temple”; John 2:13–25.

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be held at 1:00 PM in the courtyard. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Belgic Confession, Articles 4 and 6; The Canonical Books.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. face coverings are required for all attendees. If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the service via livestream.

Lord's Day Worship: December 27, 2020


Sunday Morning:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed. This coming Sunday (the fourth Sunday in Advent), we will consider Isaiah's prophecy of a coming redeemer who is "God with us" (Isaiah 9:1-7), and its fulfilment in Luke 1:26-38 (the birth of Jesus foretold).  

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be held at 1:00 PM in the courtyard. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Belgic Confession, Articles 4 and 5; “The Canonical Books.”

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. face coverings are required for all attendees. If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the service via livestream.

Lord's Day Worship: December 20, 2020


Sunday Morning:  The Fourth Sunday in Advent. Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This coming Sunday (the fourth Sunday in Advent), we will consider Isaiah's prophecy of a coming redeemer who is "God with us" (Isaiah 9:1-7), and its fulfilment in Luke 1:26-38 (the birth of Jesus foretold).  

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be available here on the church website. We will not have an in-person service this Sunday, December 20th. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Belgic Confession, Article 35; “Do This in Remembrance of Me”; Luke 22:14-23; 1 Corinthians 11:17-33.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements. face coverings are required for all attendees. If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the service via livestream.

Dr. Kim Riddlebarger's Retirement

Dr. Kim Riddlebarger will be retiring on December 31st of this year.  It is a bittersweet time as we see him and his wonderful wife, Micki, transition to a well earned retirement.  Kim has been abundantly faithful to his call to minister to God's people here at Christ Reformed Church for 25 years. 

On Sunday, December 6 we had a retirement celebration for Kim and Micki.  Since many friends and church members were unable to attend this celebration we are posting the videos here.  Also listed below is a message for our congregation from Dr. Riddlebarger.

A special message of thanks from Dr. Riddlebarger to the Christ Reformed Church family

Many longtime friends recorded special video well wishes for the Riddlebarger’s retirement. We hope that you will enjoy this montage produced by our A/V technician, Steven Ornee. Retirement Video Montage

Lord's Day Worship: Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christ Reformed Church - LIVE 7-26-20.jpg

Sunday, December 13:  The Third Sunday in Advent. Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  Dr. Riddlebarger will turn to the Gospel of Luke the next three Lord's Days. This coming Sunday we will consider Luke's account of the event surrounding the birth of Jesus. Our text is Luke 1:5-25 (the birth of John the Baptist foretold).

Afternoon Catechism Service (1:00 PM):  Our Sunday afternoon catechism lesson will be available via YouTube. We will not have an in-person service for December 13th or 20th. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching on Lord’s Day 22, Q&A 58; “His Servants Will Worship Him; Psalm 126 and Revelation 22:1–5.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  face coverings are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

A Service of Lessons and Carols: Thursday, December 24, 2:30 PM

You are invited to join us as we gather for the annual Service of Lessons and Carols on Thursday, December 24 at 2:30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear the Scriptures read and proclaimed, and sing Christmas carols. What makes this service so rich is that the liturgy situates the birth of Christ against the backdrop of redemptive history. The incarnation is a key part of the creation-fall-redemption-consummation movement in scripture and the nine lessons illustrate that vividly. You may make your reservations here on the church website (link at the top of the page) as you do each week for our Sunday worship services.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 2-6, 2020).

Christ Reformed Church - LIVE 7-26-20.jpg

Sunday, December 6:  The Second Sunday in Advent. Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  Dr. Riddlebarger will conclude our look at Paul's discussion of the future of Israel (Romans 11:16-36).

Catechism Service:  Our catechism service is prerecorded and available on YouTube each Sunday.

There are no bible study classes currently being taught.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  face coverings are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 25-29)

Christ Reformed Church - LIVE 7-26-20.jpg

Sunday, November 29:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  As we continue our series on the Book of Romans, we come to Paul's discussion of the future of Israel (Romans 11:1-15).

Catechism Service:  Our catechism service is prerecorded and available on YouTube each Sunday.

November 25 - No bible study class.

November 26 - No Thanksgiving service will be held this year. We encourage you to use this morning to spend time with your family and recount God’s faithfulness to us in our lives and most of all, in the finished work of Christ on our behalf.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  face coverings are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 16-22)

Christ Reformed Church - LIVE 7-26-20.jpg

Sunday, November 22:  Worship services will be held in the courtyard at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This Lord's Day we come to Paul's discussion of the relationship of faith to the preaching of the gospel. Our text is Romans 10:14-21.

Catechism Service:  Our catechism service is prerecorded and available on YouTube.

Wednesday, November 18 - No class

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the outdoor space and maintain social-distancing. To RSVP, go the link at the top of this page “please reserve a seat.”

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  face coverings are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

Updated Service Information and Guidelines - November 19, 2020

As of Monday, November 16th, Orange County has been placed back into the more restrictive Purple tier. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/COVID19CountyMonitoringOverview.aspx.  This change carries with it greater restrictions for many activities, one of which is indoor worship services.  This change will affect Christ Reformed Church in several ways as detailed below:

Wednesday night Bible Study will not be meeting. 

Lord’s Day worship services will be conducted outside again. The guidelines and logistics will be the same as they were during the summer months.  Our service times will remain the same and we request that you utilize the save-a-seat reservation system to let us know what service you will attend.  This greatly aids the deacons as they set up chairs for each service (a task they did not have to contend with when we were indoors). 

Catechism Service will be remote only with the readings and teachings posted online each week.  Our Mandarin speaking congregation will be utilizing the outdoor area to conduct their worship service after our services, so it will not be workable for us to conduct this service in person.  We encourage you view this service with your family at the close of the Lord’s Day.  Over the years the second service provided a bookend to the morning service that aided Gods people in maintaining the Lord’s Day as a day set aside for rest and worship.  Without it we often leave the church grounds after morning worship and the day becomes like any other day.  Please consider utilizing this service with your family to close out the Lord’s Day.

Thanksgiving Service will not be held.  We encourage you to use this morning to spend time with your family and recount God’s faithfulness to us in our lives and most of all, in the finished work of Christ on our behalf. 

Lessons and Carols – we ARE planning a Service of Lessons and Carols for Christmas Eve, December 24th at 7:00 PM. The service will be conducted indoors if possible, outdoors if necessary.  Stay tuned to our website as we get closer to the date for details.  

Unfortunately, these conditions may be with us for the foreseeable future and admittedly, our foresight is extremely dim at this point.  We have a lot to be thankful for regarding the limited impact the pandemic has had on our congregation but we still long for a return to the normalcy that existed before.  This we can pray for.


In Christ, 

Elder Szucs

for Consistory

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 9-15)


Sunday, November 15:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The 9:00 a.m. service will be live-streamed.  This Lord's Day, we will address Paul's discussion of two kinds of righteousness and how Christ is the end of the law (Romans 10:4-13). 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is at 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will continue his series on the Attributes of God with Belgic Confession, Article 2. 

Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 p.m.  In our series "Reading the Bible with Paul", Dr. Riddlebarger will continue our time in 1 Corinthians 10:1-14, and Paul's discussion of Israel's example to the Corinthians.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go to the link at the top of this page that says “Reserve a Seat”. Click on that link and follow the instructions for making a reservation.  

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (November 2-8, 2020)

Kim and communion 2020.jpg

Sunday, November 8:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be livestreamed.  As we continue our series on the Book of Romans, we take up Paul's discussion of Jesus as the stone of stumbling (in Romans 9:25-10:3).  

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is at 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will continue his series on the Attributes of God with Belgic Confession, Article 1. 

Wednesday, November 11 at 7:30 p.m.  In our series "Reading the Bible with Paul", we come to 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, and Paul's discussion of Israel's example. 

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go to the link at the top of this page that says “Reserve a Seat”. Click on that link and follow the instructions for making a reservation.  

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (October 26-November 1, 2020)


Sunday, November 1:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be live-streamed.  Dr. Riddlebarger will return to our series on the Book of Romans.  We will tackle Paul's discussion of Jacob and Esau from Romans 9:6-24. 

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism Service is at 1:15 p.m., in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching on the Attributes of God.

Wednesday, October 28 at 7:30 p.m.  Our series is entitled "Reading the Bible with Paul."  Dr. Riddlebarger will wrap up our discussion of Galatians 4:21-31.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go to the link at the top of this page that says “Reserve a Seat”. Click on that link and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.

This Week at Christ Reformed Church (October 19-25). Our 25th Anniversary and Reformation Sunday!


(The picture above is from our first Sunday in the Anaheim SDA, 22 years ago)

Sunday, October 25:  Worship services will be held in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.  The first service will be livestreamed.  On Reformation Sunday, we turn to Psalm 130 to discuss Solo Christus.

Catechism Service:  Our Catechism service is at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary.  Rev. Lenzner will be teaching on the Attributes of God; Belgic Confession, Article 1.

Wednesday, October 21 at 7:30 p.m.  Our series is entitled "Reading the Bible with Paul."  Dr. Riddlebarger will continue with our study in Galatians 4:21-31.

Reservations are required each week so that we may prepare the sanctuary and maintain social-distancing.  To RSVP, go to the link at the top of this page that says “Reserve a Seat”. Click on that link and follow the instructions for making a reservation.

Attendance at each service will be limited due to social distancing requirements.  Masks are required for all attendees.  If you have any Covid-19 like symptoms, or feel ill, please remain home and watch the livestream.