Lord's Day Worship: February 4, 2024

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 3:7-19 ““Who is Jesus?”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Belgic Confession, Articles 5-6.

January 24, 2024: "The Marks of a True Church"

The Marks of a True Church

In the latest episode on Abounding Grace Radio, Pastor Chris Gordon welcomes guest Rev. Dr. Daniel Borvan to discuss the three marks of a true church. They begin with the all-important first mark, preaching the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ. As they break that down, the conversation inevitably turns to how some churches miss that first mark, and in doing so, can literally end up “off road”. They discuss their experiences and analyze the dangers of gimmicky churches, and how easy it is to fall prey to that seeker sensitive/entertainment approach to worship. Stay tuned for part two and three of this compelling conversation as they make their way through the second and third marks of a true church.

Lord's Day Worship: January 28, 2024

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 3:1-6 “The Invading King.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Belgic Confession, Articles 3-4.

Sunday School, January 28, 2024: Rev. Chris Coleman

Pastor Chris Coleman is our former pastor, and currently a church-planter in Vancouver, WA. Pastor and Mrs. Coleman will be at Christ Reformed Church this Sunday, January 28. Chris will be speaking about the church plant (Peace URC) that he has been pastoring since May 2019 during our Sunday school hour in the Fellowship hall. Please join us for this informative update on Peace URC with Pastor Coleman.

Lord's Day Worship: January 21, 2024

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 2:23-28; “Lord of the Sabbath.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Belgic Confession, Articles 2.

Emergency Response Training (ERT): January 21, 2024

The CRef deacons will be holding an Emergency Response Training session on Sunday, January 21, at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.

This training session will be presented in lieu of Sunday School. This training is recommended for all those who serve and volunteer here at Christ Reformed, as well as any other interested members of the church. We will cover our Emergency Response Team, Emergency Operations Plan, and work through a slideshow about emergency preparedness and security awareness. The training will take approximately one hour, including time for questions. If you have any questions about the training, please contact the church office, urcanaheim@aol.com.

Lord's Day Worship: January 14, 2024

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 2:18–22; “Out With the Old, In With the New.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Daniel Borvan will be teaching Belgic Confession, Article 1.

Lord's Day Worship: January 7, 2024

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 2:13–17; “A Royal Invitation.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Mr. Drew Admiraal will be teaching Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 1.

Lord's Day Worship: December 31, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 2:1–12; “A Royal Healing.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 14-15.

Lord's Day Worship: December 24, 2023

The Fourth Sunday in Advent

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Matthew 1:18–25; “The Coming King.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 12-13.

Lord's Day Worship: December 17, 2023

The Third Sunday in Advent

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 1:40–45; ““The Rebel King.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 11-12.

Service of Lessons and Carols — December 22, 2023

You and your family are invited to join us on Friday, December 22 at 7:30 p.m. for our annual Service of Lessons and Carols. At Christ Reformed Church, we hold our own confessional Reformed modification of this service which retains the format, scriptural lessons, and bidding prayer of the original. To reflect the centrality of the Word of God in Reformed worship, however, our service includes the addition of a Christmas Meditation on Scripture.

Lord's Day Worship: December 10, 2023

The Second Sunday in Advent

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 1:29–39; “Releasing the Captives.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 9-10.

Lord's Day Worship: December 3, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Brad Lenzner will be preaching from Exodus 4:1–17; “God’s Word, God’s Signs, God’s Prophet.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from Heidelberg catechism, Lord’s Day 27; “The Sign of the Covenant.”

Lord's Day Worship: November 26, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 1:21–28; “The King’s Authority.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Article 8.

Lord's Day Worship: November 19, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Brad Lenzner will be preaching from Exodus 3:1–22; “The Call, the Commission, and the Covenant.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev. Lenzner will be teaching from the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q&A 1'; “Soli Deo Gloria.”

Lord's Day Worship: November 12, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 1:16–20; “The King’s Army.”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev.Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 7-8.

Abounding Grace Radio Podcast - Explaining the Gospel (Part 3)

"Explaining the Gospel" Part 3

In this episode Pastor Chris Gordon and Pastor Daniel Borvan of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California finish up their three part series on “Explaining the Gospel.” Today’s discussion focuses on the important question of why God allows suffering. Their conversation touches on what Christians can learn from suffering and how God is always there in the storm. They discuss the need for the church to prepare believers for persecution and train them to stand their moral ground when people within the church and without pressure them to bow down to secular culture. "Explaining the Gospel" Part 3

Lord's Day Worship: November 5, 2023

Sunday Morning:  The worship service is held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m., and available via Livestream. This Lord’s Day, Rev. Daniel Borvan will be preaching from Mark 1:1-15; “A Royal Invasion”

Afternoon Catechism Service:  Our Sunday afternoon catechism service is held at 1:15 p.m. in the sanctuary and available via Livestream. Rev.Borvan will be teaching from Canons of Dort, The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine, Articles 6-7.