Congregational Meeting: February 18, 2018
/The annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 18 at 9:00 a.m., to elect officers, approve the 2018 budget, and discuss the state of the church. The consistory asks that all members of Christ Reformed church make plans to attend this meeting.
The following four men, Eric Akiyoshi, Lane Chaplin, Henry Hernandez and Kim Pridmore have been nominated as candidates to fill the (3) three-year terms for the office of elder, to replace Mark Russell, Ed Silva and David Szucs. We have also nominated the following four men as candidates: John Bejarano, David Gill, Dennis Nichols and Jeff Phillips to fill the (3) three-year terms for the office of deacon, to replace Thayne DeVorss, Jeff Gray and John Woodward who are rotating off council. At our congregational meeting on February 18, Lord willing, we will elect three new elders and three new deacons to be ordained to their offices and thereby serve Christ's church in this capacity.