This Week at Christ Reformed Church: April 27-May 3, 2020

Week Eight of the Covid-19 Exile

At the direction of the Governor of California, City of Anaheim, and in light of the CDC's recommendation to avoid groups and assemblies, and the on-going need for social distancing, all Lord's Day services and classes are cancelled for Sunday, May 3 and 10.

We are continuing our series on Romans and will take up Paul's discussion of "Peace with God" in Romans 5:1-11.

Until our worship services resume, please continue to pray that the spread of the Covid-19 virus is contained by staying at home, social distancing, and the regular washing of hands. Pray for your fellow church members.  Be sure to check-up on your neighbors who may be in need. More importantly, may Jesus Christ be glorified in all that we say and do during this unprecedented public health crisis.
