Congregational Meeting: February 12, 2023
/The congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 12 at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary.
The consistory asks that all members of Christ Reformed church make plans to attend this meeting.
We plan to elect officers, ratify the 2023 budget, and discuss the state of the church during this time. There will also be a council-approved revision of the church bylaws presented for ratification. This will allow the council to select the Treasurer from among members of the congregation (not just from among the serving deacons as required now), as long as he is a current or former elder or deacon.
The following two men have been nominated as candidates to fill the (2) three-year terms for the office of elder: Kenneth Drost and Dr. Joshua Parsons. The following five men have been nominated to fill the (3) three-year terms for the office of deacon: Les Connard, Michael Russell, Barrett Taylor, Robert Vasquez and William Webright. If you are not acquainted with these men, we encourage you to take the opportunity to speak with them and get to know them.