Brothers and sisters,
It is with great joy that the Council can confirm the resumption of in-person worship at Christ Reformed Church this coming Sunday, June 14, 2020. It has been a long exile for us, and we are hopefully and by God’s providence on the way out of exile.
Consistory and Council members have been in ongoing discussions and planning sessions for many weeks to devise a plan of how we might resume in-person worship that would align with the medical community and civil authorities guidelines for public worship and, more importantly, how we might do so in a manner that protects each other and the most vulnerable family and members from the negative outcomes so often seen with the Covid-19 virus.
The guidelines from the state stipulate that social distancing be exercised, that churches occupy up to 25% of their capacity or less than 100 people in attendance. Given the size of our sanctuary this means that only 25% of our congregation will be able to meet in-person for a worship service. To facilitate this, it has been decided to conduct two services each Lord’s Day so that one half of our congregation can meet and worship in-person each Lord’s Day. We will continue to post the service to our YouTube channel so that those not invited to attend on any given week can worship as we are now, with their families, at home. We will also have the added benefit of a livestream of the first service.
While this is not ideal, it is a first step toward normalcy when we can all meet together in person.
In order to layout the guidelines that Council has put in place; the attached FAQ sheet has been developed. We have tried to answer all of the questions that have been posed to us as well as many that have not in an effort to let you know when you are invited to worship in-person and what to expect (and what will be expected of you) when you arrive.
We understand that this plan may not be the ideal for everyone but, as stated above, we have tried to act in the best manner to meet the civil guidelines and provide a safe environment for all of our members.
If for any reason you elect not to attend in-person when you are invited during this pandemic, please know that we understand and respect your decision. We are trying to make the ministry of the Word available to all and Sacrament who feel comfortable – there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus on this matter.
Please expect a communication specific to your invitation to worship from the Consistory in the next few days. We also are available to discuss any concerns that you may have on our decision and the implementation of it. If you have not been contacted this week you will receive an email letting you know that you will be invited to one of the two services next week.
As always, we covet and appreciate your prayers as we strive to execute our duty to care for God’s people at Christ Reformed.
David Szucs
For Consistory and Council
As we resume in-person worship at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, here are the things you need to know:
1. Will everyone be able to attend services on June 14th?
No. Due to the requirement of social distancing our facility will only enable us to have about 25% of our members attend a service.
Also, if you are sick or experiencing any flu-like symptoms, we ask that you remain at home and worship with us via livestream.
2. Does this mean that I will only be able to attend service every 5th week?
We are planning for two services each week that will enable one half of our congregation to worship each week; 25% in each service.
3. When will the services be conducted?
The first service will begin at 9:00 AM and the second at 11:10 AM.
4. How will I know what service I am to attend?
Consistory has attempted to divide the congregation into four equal groups. You will be notified which service you are invited to attend.
5. What if I am not invited on a given Lord’s Day; what am I to do?
The service will be livestreamed and you are encouraged on the weeks you are not invited to attend, to worship with your family as we have been doing during our time in ‘exile’. The livestream will also be posted on our YouTube channel for viewing at a different time should you not be able to worship at the time of the first service.
6. What are the guidelines when I attend in-person worship?
Social Distancing
When traversing from and to the parking lot and when lining up for entry into the sanctuary you are required to practice social distancing of at least 6 feet from others not in your family.
In the sanctuary you will be ushered to a seat and social distancing of at least 6 feet must be practiced in the pew with others not in your family – we will be ushering from the front to the back, so you may not be able to sit in the spot you are accustomed to or next to the brothers and sisters you usually do but, rejoice, this is an opportunity to ‘air’ rub shoulders with friends you haven’t met yet.
Elevated temperature is one of the symptoms of being infected with Covid-19 and may be the case in persons who are otherwise not yet showing other symptoms. In light of this, temperatures will be taken prior to entry into the sanctuary. Persons who have a fever of 100.40 (38.00C) or above or other signs of illness will not be admitted into the sanctuary but will be asked to return home and worship with us via the livestream.
In order that we don’t have this situation it is requested that you take your temperature and those of your family at home prior to coming to the service. If you are sick or experiencing any flu-like symptoms, we ask that you remain at home and worship with us via livestream. We encourage parents to be on the alert for signs of illness in their children and to keep them home when they are sick.
Face Masks
According to the CDC, wearing a face covering while in the proximity of others reduces the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus. This is especially true when in an enclosed area for an extended period and especially when speaking or singing. In light of this, the following guidelines will be expected to be followed.
1. When traversing from and to your vehicles to the sanctuary, face masks should be worn.
2. When standing in line to be admitted to the sanctuary, social distancing should be observed, and face masks must be worn.
3. During the service, face masks should be worn at all times as much as possible.
During responsive reading, recitation of creeds, corporate prayer and confession of sins and singing of hymns face masks should be worn at all times, as much as possible. If it is not possible for a congregant to wear a mask during these times, they should silently participate.
4. Facemasks should not be worn by children 2 and under.
5. We understand that there are differing views on this subject but, in order to show love for our brothers and sisters, we ask that all worshippers follow these guidelines.
7. Given the guidelines above, how early should I arrive to attend worship?
Due to the increased time for entering the sanctuary due to the need for screening, you are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled start of services. If you arrive after service has begun, we may not be able to accommodate you. A screener and greeter will be in place however, if there is no seating available, you will be asked to return home and worship with us via the livestream. Visitors will be seated just prior to the start of service after all member present have been seated. It is possible that visitors may have taken up all available seats prior to the start of service. We encourage you to plan to arrive early.
Given the need for social distancing and the need to make a clear path of travel to the restrooms, seating in the foyer will not be available.
Due to the limited access to the balcony, access to the rows by center aisle only, and the concern of worshippers being above the rest of the congregation, the balcony will not be available for seating.
8. What if I feel uncomfortable attending in-person services at this time due to my age, underlying medical conditions or other concerns? Am I acting contrary to Scripture’s instruction to “not neglect(ing) to meet together as is the habit of some,…” (Hebrews 10:25)?
During this unprecedented (in our lifetime) time Consistory understands it may not be appropriate for everyone to attend in-person worship services. In fact, if you are in an at-risk group or care for a loved one who is, we encourage you to worship with us remotely and to not attend in person. We also understand that for some, the risk of infection is too great or unknown at this time. We are blessed in this era to be able to assemble electronically in a way that previous generations could not, praise God! While this is not ideal and attending to the sacrament of the Lord’s supper cannot be done, the means of grace available through the reading of the Law, the preaching of the Gospel and the prayers are.
9. Will the Lord’s Supper be administered?
Yes, although in a slightly different manner. Rather than coming forward to receive the bread and then the wine, celebrants will come to the front of the sanctuary and take both elements and return to their seats. Once everyone has been served, the Minister will give the invitation and the entire congregation will partake together.
10. Will I be able to give my tithes and offerings during the service?
Yes, although (again) in a slightly different manner. Rather than passing an offering plate there will be receptacles in the back of the church so that offerings may be given as you are leaving the sanctuary.
11. Will Nursery be provided during the worship service?
During these initial few weeks, nursery will not be provided however, the nursery room will be open to parents who need to change diapers or take their children out of service temporarily for parenting needs. Sanitary wipes will be provided for sanitizing the counter if needed for changing. We will continue to review this policy and re-open the nursery as soon as we are able.
12. Will bathrooms be available?
Yes however, there will be a limit of two people at a time. The restrooms will be cleaned before each service and no-touch hand sanitizers will be available in the foyer.
13. Will there be youth or adult Sunday School?
During these initial few weeks, there will be no adult Sunday School.
Youth Sunday School is usually not conducted during the summer months and this will be the case this year.
We will continue to review this policy and resume Sunday School as soon as we are able.
14. Will the cry room be available?
There is only room for one family in the cry room and this will be made available on a first come-first served basis. Parents needing to remove children for parenting issues will need to use the courtyard in front of the church if the cry room is being used.
15. Will there be coffee available before or after services?
Not currently.
16. Will the bookstore be open?
Not currently. If you wish to purchase a book or CD/thumb drive, please contact Winona Taylor via email and she will arrange the purchase for you.
17. Will there be a lunch gathering after the second Lord’s Day Service?
Not currently.
18. Will there be a catechism service?
Not currently. We will be posting audio of previous catechism services to the church web site and YouTube account and encourage all members to take advantage of these services. We will continue to review this policy and resume second service as soon as we are able.
19. Will there be an opportunity for fellowship after the services? What will the guidelines be?
Yes. After such a long hiatus from in-person fellowship and the blessing of fellowship we encourage everyone to take the time after services to reconnect, to catch-up and provide the care and comfort that we are so desirous of. With Covid-19 still an issue we would like to encourage the following guidelines:
1. If you attend the first service, please exit the sanctuary and move to either the parking lot or the courtyard in the center of the facility. There is a need to re-clean the sanctuary for the second service and this will happen immediately after the conclusion of the first service.
2. If you attend the first service, please be considerate of those coming to the second service. The need for social distancing and masks for those arriving will be appreciated.
3. Face masks: We encourage the use of face masks during fellowship in the parking lot and inner courtyard but understand the desire for those who choose to utilize only social distancing in this environment and will not require that face masks be worn at these times with the following caveat: All should be mindful that others may not share their position on this and that we all respect our brothers and sisters wishes when it comes to face coverings during fellowship times.
20. What will happen if it turns out that one of our members tests positive after we begin in-person worship?
In the event that one of our members tests positive after attending worship, that individual or family will be expected to self-isolate in accordance with CDC guidelines.
We will notify all attendees so that they are aware of the person who tested positive and will be expected to follow the CDC guidelines regarding self-quarantine for persons who have been in close contact with a person who tested positive for the virus.
We will endeavor to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all members. If asked by civil authorities to provide information for the purpose of contact tracing we will advise them what steps we have taken to notify all members who may have come in contact with the person who tested positive and will not give out any personal information or names unless required to do so by law.